Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Whitby Jet Jewellery

Whitby Jet Jewellery




I have researched Whitby Jet jewellery and was delighted with the high quality that can be achieved with the jet.

Silver chains compliment the black tones of the jet. The heart pendant above shows fine craftsmanship and intricate detail, however this seems a too “busy” design for me, whereas the triangle pendant opposite looks modern and perfect, with the silver border emphasising the jet stone. This is probably my favourite design and oozes quality, with the finish of the jet being almost mirror like.




The Jet Cabochon Pendant opposite shows how the effect of curves within the design can influence and promote the jet. The silver surrounding the jet helps focus the eye towards of the centre piece of the design. The curves give a soft and gentle feel to the piece of jewellery. Again a modern design would suit a younger audience.

The jewellery looks excellent quality, made to a very high standard, as the previous example, they are aimed at a middle price range £50.00 - £80.00, probably slightly higher than my target price.

The Butterfly Pendant shows a well thought out design, made to a high standard.

It is a feel good piece of jewellery and I like how the jet becomes the body of the butterfly, which again helps emphasize the jets quality.

Within a design I believe it is important to have a central focus point. The product is handmade as are all the other pieces and shows true craftsmanship.

The Pendant opposite shows less quality, which probably reflects the lower retail price. The design would suit a younger audience, probably 25+ and is a quite modern design. The pendant gives a warm mood and I do like how the curves follow the same direction.

It is a very interesting piece of jewellery, simple in design but looks quite chic.

This research has been very enlightening; it has given me a good understanding regarding the complexity of the design and how the design can influence the target audience. It has shown target retail prices and what you “get for your money”. It has emphasized that silver compliments the Whitby Jet, but I would not design complicated designs as the Heart Pendant.

Simple design, to a high quality is the aim.

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